Armstrong Villas

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Healthcare Reform in Spain

Healthcare Reform in Spain

In April the Spanish government announced reforms to the state healthcare system which affect everyone living in Spain. The changes that apply to Spanish nationals will also apply to British nationals. We are in touch with the authorities for further clarification and the advice on our website will be updated with relevant changes when available. More information in Spanish can be found on the official State Bulletin website.

UK State Pensioners

Under EU regulations, the UK pays Spain an average annual cost to provide healthcare for its pensioners. Healthcare is provided to UK state pensioners resident in Spain and registered with an S1 form on the same basis as healthcare given to Spanish pensioners. Therefore, healthcare changes that are applicable to Spanish state pensioners are equally applied to all UK state pensioners.

Proof of Healthcare

If you are applying for your residence certificate, you may be asked to show proof that you are covered for healthcare in Spain when making your application. If you are a UK state pensioner for example, you may be able to use your S1 form to meet this requirement. A full list of requirements should be obtained from your local Oficina de Extranjeros or designated police station. More details can be found on the Spanish Ministry of the Interior website (information is in Spanish) and follow the links for extranjería.

“Convenio Especial” / Special Agreement

The Spanish government has announced a state-run ‘Convenio Especial’ (Special Agreement) for those without access to state health cover. Details of this scheme, including when it is expected to come into force, have not yet been published.

The autonomous communities of Valencia and Cataluña are no longer taking new applications for locally run health schemes, e.g. the Valencia Monthly Quota Scheme. If you are already registered with the Valencia Monthly Quota Scheme or in Catalonia and have questions, contact Valencia Health Authority / CatSalut directly for further information.


A co-payment system of contributing towards the cost of prescriptions will be introduced before the summer. Most people, including UK pensioners, will be required to pay a percentage of the cost of their prescription medication.
The amount each person pays will depend on annual income and individual situation. The table below provides a basic overview of what residents will be expected to contribute. Details have not yet been released about how income will be assessed or how payments will be capped.

This table is a guide only and more detailed information can be found on the Ministry for Healthcare, Social Services and Equality’s website.
Annual incomeSocial situation% of contributionCapped at:
 Less than €18,000Working Age 40% No capping
StatePensioner 10% €8/month
 Between €18,000 and €100,000Working Age 50%No capping
State Pensioner 10%€18/month
 Over €100,000Working Age 60%No capping
State Pensioner 60%€60/month

The British Embassy does not have any more detailed information than that contained in this page. If you need any further clarification, please call your local health service provider.

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