Armstrong Villas

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Save Hundred of Euros on Your Electricity Bills

Latest tip from your Spanish Money Saving Expert!

Did you know that you can save yourself hundreds of Euros each year by simply changing your electricity tariff? Many people are still on a standard tariff, or worse still, the "green electricity" tariff with Iberdrola, the Spanish electricity provider.
The tariff can vary but mosty people are on one of the following -
---- 2 monthly bill tariff of 12.99 cents per kilowatt of electricity
---- 1 monthly bill tariff of 14.01 cents per kilowatt of electricity
---- Green energy tariff of 15.37 cents per kilowatt of electricity

However there is another tariff which may save you a considerable amount of money, depending upon your circumstances.
The day and night tariff introduced by Iberdrola works as follows. For 10 hours during the day, the tariff is 16.87 cents per kilowatt but during the other 14 hours the tariff drops to just 6.08 cents per kilowatt.

So, you pay slightly more during the hours from 12pm to 10pm (1pm to 11pm in summer) but pay less than half price from 10pm to 12pm (11pm to 1pm in summer).

The savings can be quite considerable if you consider that appliances such as fridges, pool pumps, air conditioning, electric water heaters and lighting are still running during the night. Also, most people shower in the morning when the tariff is at it's lowest and many people will have cooked breakfast and/or lunch by 12pm (1pm in the summer). Also, washing machines and dishwashers can be put on in the morning.

Iberdrola charge 10 euro for the switch-over as they need to install a second meter.
If you can't be bothered with the hassle of phoning Iberdrola to request the change, let me know and I will do it for you. Send me an email to paul@armstrongvillas.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and I'll tell you how to give me one time authorisation to make the change for you.

This could possible save you 100 euro on each electricity bill so don't ignore it - don't give Iberdrola any more of your hard earned money than you need to.

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